Friday, July 9, 2010

Why I Believe the Church is True

I have given this post much thought. These are the thoughts that have been swirling and stewing in my head for a while now. I was raised in the LDS(Mormon) church and have had a wonderful family to help, nurture and tender me. I grew up in a Mormon community and went to school with people of my same religion. I guess you could say I grew up in a "controlled" environment. I am grateful for that blessing. There have been times while growing up where I grew spiritually and planted seeds for my testimony to one day blossom all on its own. I remember one scout trip I had that we all wandered off in our own section of the wilderness and read the scriptures and prayed. I still to this day remember the vividness of the personal growth I had. I remember reading and visualizing actually being there in the scene. I wrote a letter to my parents expressing gratitude and love. I prayed as Enos,a book of Mormon hero, prayed while he was in the forrest hunting. I poured out my whole soul to God.
I remember returning from the scout camp not only tired, sun burnt and smelly, but I felt a literal growth in my testimony of the truthfulness of the church. Many other instances happened as I aged through the teenage years. Then I find myself preparing to be a full time ambassador of the Savior, Jesus Christ.
Upon arriving here in New York I was excited as any new missionary could be. To say nothing of having the privilege of serving in the birthplace of the restoration of Christ's church. I began teaching people about this wonderful gospel and seeing the light of Christ come alive in the people my companions and I would teach. This very thing has given me even more strength in my testimony of the church. I stand today with an unshakable, undeniable wittiness that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints is in fact the very Church that Christ himself established while on the earth. I testify that I have come to know the Church is true. I believe in angels and miracles that are seen and unseen. God loves his children and wants more than anything for us to return to him. This testimony I leave with you in peace. The savior said "Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid."(John14:27)I have truly found peace in my life that can last.


  1. This is awesome Elder I love you man and am also glad and proud to say that i know that this church is true as well, I have come to know the way 13 million others have.

  2. What a very powerful post. Thank you for that. We to leave our testimonies with yours. That is is true. And how blessed we are that we know this. Thank you and also all the other missionaries that are spreading this message through out the world.

  3. Thanks son. That was beautiful!! I think one of the most powerful witnesses you can have is to see the change in people as the accept the truth. Then watch as the fire burns in their souls to share it.

    Your third great Aunt Mary Elizabeth Rollins once stood in front of a Cannon that was suppose to exterminate the Mormons. Their orders were to kill all of the Mormons but her. She said, “ For where they die, I will die, for I am a full blooded Mormon, and I am not ashamed to own it."

    You have that same fire in your bones!

  4. I love it Elder Cook. Sometimes I think that people who grew up in the Church have had this fire always-- it's cool for me to hear about lifetime-members growing and changing as the spirit enables them. Thanks.

  5. Great post Elder Cook! I loved your experience on your scout trip! The church is SO true and I know that is the best way to truly be happy and feel joy. Thanks for sharing your testimony. You are a great missionary and a blessing to all who know you. Keep working hard, you are loved.

  6. This is such an amazing experience you had. Thank you so much for sharing. It is so important for us to gain our own witness of this gospel. You are such a wonderful missionary and it shows! Keep working hard! :)

  7. Elder Cook: your father gave me your blog spot today. I was so blessed to read your powerful witness. The gospel gives so much hope to the world. Many are hopelessly filled with guilt and grief. I wrote the following quote to capture my feelings about the atonement on Easter. I thought you may enjoy it."A sin is but a moment in time, an error, a wrong choice, a mistake, it should not determine who we are or who we may become for Christ has made it so. Change, repent and accept the atoning sacrifice of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and be united with his eternal love forever." Love you Elder, Dr. Dan

  8. Not gunna lie, this is the first blog of yours i've read...

    but, I felt it.

  9. This is just as powerful the second time I read it as the first! Thanks for sharing. Love the pics.

  10. A wonderful personal testimony of the Lord's love! Bless you, Elder Cook.
