Friday, July 23, 2010

Never Ending Happiness seems that easy doesn't it? Then why do we let the little things in life bother us? In my life happiness seems to come like waves in the ocean. Some come in big waves, some small. Waves are a tricky thing. If you catch it right it can push you all the way to shore. But if you don't catch it right you waste a lot of energy and your left out there feeling rejected. Some times after happy times come hard times.Just like when the wave is retracting back into the ocean, it can be powerful and pull you away. I look at the brighter side of life. That brighter side is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Being optimistic is only half of it. When we bring the Savior into our lives everything seems to be OK. When we don't have the Savior in our lives we tend to be worried a lot or be discouraged easily. Happiness is there at your fingertips.Happiness wants to find you. Would you say it's safe to say you've been looking for more happiness? Well, my fellow blogger, it's found you. All you do is open your eyes and notice it! Just today my friends and I, Elder Westley and Elder Anderson, went out for a morning run. It was pouring outside, but that didn't stop us. We charged out into the rain for our routine morning run. We had a great time despite we were all soaked. My friends, I know that true, never ending happiness is yours by living the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The Gospel makes life worth living right. We only have one chance at life. Wouldn't you want to live it right?
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  1. Very Encourageing Elder Cook !!!
    Absolutely, LIVE the Gospel, even if it feels like your the only one DOING it !!!!

  2. Thank you so much for sharing! I love the way you compared happiness to waves in the ocean. It paints a picture in your mind! I love it! Happiness is all around us, we just have to take the time to look and appreciate the good things in life! Thanks again! :)

  3. this really tells a lot and its true. nothing comes easy without help from the lord.

  4. Elder Cook, This was beautifully said. Great analogy and symbolism! Thank you so much son. I know that attitude is a choice and we can also choose to be happy with what we have. But you are so right; with out the Savior in our lives it is only half of the equation. True joy can only be found in the Lord. I think it fits with the theme of your blog, “Peace at Last.” Isn’t that really what we all want? True and lasting Peace and Happiness? Satan wants us to be miserable like he is. But the Lord always wants us to be happy. Thanks again!

  5. Wonderful advice and analogy. When we bring the Savior into our lives and his Gospel we come to understand what true and lasting happiness really is all about. Thank you Elder Cook for this inspired post!

  6. I've had the opportunity to work in the Oakland Temple every Tuesday for the past five months. It has been the most amazing experience of my life. Elder Cook your analogy reminded me of the wonderful people I have met there. They are ordinary people and they come and serve the Lord every week. I've realized that faithful and valiant people experience hard times but because they have an eternal perspective and understand God's plan for all of us they find happiness even in the hardest of times. Sister Thomson lost her husband a few weeks ago. He was just laying in his hamick in the backyard and went to sleep. Although her husband died suddenly she is happily back in the Temple working each day. Sister Presley has been suffering with her Gall Bladder and finally got Kaiser after we watched her suffer for weeks to take it out. She was back working happily in the Temple this past Tuesday. Sister Nunes is 97 years old and legally blind. She fell recently and broke her wrist. After just a few weeks she is back working with us again. One of the men just lost his wife of 62 years. He comes faithfully each week. Another sister's house flooded when a pipe on the refrigerator burst. She said she woke up to water running and told her husband to please see where it was coming from. She told us how blessed she felt that the pipe burst before they came to the Temple and not while they were gone. She was also thankful that they were able to get everything cleaned up and still make it to serve in the Temple that day.

    When you come to know the Savior and God's plan for us you realize that we experience tender mercies everyday. That Christ truly does walk with us and on many days he carries us! Thank you Elder Cook for expressing your thoughts on happiness so eloquently! It was a great reminder that the Gospel of Jesus Christ truly does help us to be happier people. It brings understanding and insite to our lives. It reminds us that we are children of God and that this life has a purpose. I will never think of the ocean again without being reminded of your analogy! Thank you!
