Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Baptism, and the Reception of the Holy Ghost

The greatest part that comes after repentance is the feeling of forgiveness. I have talked with countless people who have gone through this great process and have all felt the lift of forgiveness. Is that all though? Nope. After one repents they then are ready to be baptized. This picture is of Christ being baptized. A few of my favorite scriptures regarding baptism are John 3:5 "Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God." I love it because it's so blunt, like me! Another one of my favorites is found in the Book of Mormon. Its 2nd Nephi 31:5 "And now, if the Lamb of God, he being holy, should have need to be baptized by water, to fulfil all righteousness, O then, how much more need have we, being unholy, to be baptized, yea, even by water!" The funny thing about this verse is I didn't add the exclamation point at the end, its meant to be read that way.
This picture is of an amazing guy named Ross getting baptized. What a wonderful event to see someone enter into the waters of baptism to be washed clean, then after receive the Holy Ghost! The Holy Ghost is given to those who repent and are baptized.
It is a special gift given from Heavenly Father. What the gift does, is it literally guides us in thought and spiritual revelation. Here comes another one of my analogies. Think if you were in a dark room and you knew that there were dangerous things in the room. Spiders, snakes, land mines ext. Would you rather cross the room with a huge flash light in your hand? Or wander through the darkness hoping not to die.... Well the answer seems simple. As it is with life, we are all wandering through a dark and dangerous room(life) we need this help called the Gift of the Holy Ghost. Here is a link to read more up on it! Thanks for reading my Blog. Your awesome. WATCH OUT FOR THOSE LAND MINES!

1 comment:

  1. Great analogy. I am so greatful for my own baptism. I try my very best to keep the commandments so that I can have the Holy Ghost to help me every day. The Holy Ghost helps me in so many ways. It helps me to feel peace when things around me are not peaceful. I explained it to my son who is 5 that the Holy Ghost feels like being wrapped up in your favorite blanket. When I feel this it helps me to feel closer to my Savior, Jesus Christ. It is an amazing gift our Heavenly Father has given us to help us here on the earth.
